Friday, 7 December 2007

Some Christmas Fun...

I think these pictures are pretty self explanatory!! The kids made these Christmas biscuits today. Boy, did they test my patience!! They wanted to do everything, and as much as I TRIED to let them, I was glad when it was all over. In saying that though, I think they did a great job decorating (although icing was slopped everywhere and all their fingers are still green!!).

Daddy said he can't wait to get home to try the "green biscuits" so they kids are waiting in anticipation :)


Alison Gibbs said...

Katrina shouldn't that heading say Some Christmas Stress. When I do baking and icing the cookies with Chloe and Lachlan I find myself tensing up. You want to let them do it on their own BUT it is so hard to keep my hands away from the cookies. THEN THE MESS Arrgggghhh.
Oh well - that's life. Hope you didn't then have a surprise inspection of your house. Is it on the market yet?

Katrina Chambers said...

Too right Alison!! Haha. Yes house is on the market but they know they have to give me 24 hrs notice. Not gonna happen with children under my feet, so plenty of notice is needed!! Not expecting much to happen with the house until after Xmas. I am not at all worrying about it as we have no where to go yet so I am happy to take my time. Thanks for asking though :) said...

Gorgeous, and I so hear what you are saying!!!! But worth it, the cookies came out great!!!

Mary said...

Hi, found you through Penny at Lavender Hill. Your little guys are so cute, and I'm sure they'll be so proud when Daddy eats their "green Biscuits!"

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Your guys are adorable! How well I remember making cookies with my daughter at that age. Daddy is going to love his green biscuits!


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What wonderful memories you brought back to me! I have four boys - all grown now. I remember having them make Christmas cookies and decorating them! What a mess :-) But so much fun, when you look back at it.
p.s. thanks for saying such nice things about Kim's mosaic birdhouse!

Gail McCormack said...

Well done boys! and Mum too of course. Does little Chevy ever stop smiling? he's so cute

Unknown said...

All gorgeous, and the biscuits!
Actually a friend of mime recently went overseas with her kids, so I made cupcakes with green icing, and the letters to spell happy holidays! The green was everywhere!
Oh it's all fun, and worth the mess, isnt it?

Natasha Burns said...

oh yummmmmmmm, my mouth is watering now! i'd love to have some!!!
PS. i'm home again, lol like you hadn't guessed! if you still want me to do that thing let me know!

S said...

Looks like your boys had the best time!


SweetAnnee said...

The boys look like they had so much fun!!!
thanks for sharing..I'll be trying to get my
grandsons to help make cookies..
IF I can stand the mess.

hogan said...

Thank you for that lovely & yummy tour - your helpers are adorable!

I am on the tour as well stroll by when you catch moment :)

Pinkie Denise said...

Wow, Katrina,
They are having so much fun, and you
well, I have three boys too. And three teenage girls! Let me tell boys are much easier...Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your vacation, thanks for sharing with us Pinkie Denise