Saturday, 27 October 2007


Hi Everyone! I have had no computer for days and won't be back on for a couple of more days. Please contact me via if you need anything. I can access this account 'sometimes'. Computer is being fixed and should be back to me soon!!
Also, my best friend Ange had a baby boy yesterday (a bit ealrier than expected). All is well and he is beautiful. They haven't named him yet, but should today!!!! I am so excited. This is her fourth baby. She now has 2 girls and 2 boys and we have been through all our pregnancies together. I will update with some pictures and a name as soon as I can get back on line permanently.


Natasha Burns said...

Katrina, how exciting!!! Thanks for letting me know, email or call with the name so I can get started, do you still have my number if you have only some computer access? How wonderful for Ange!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Babies are always exciting and I'm glad that all is well! Hope your computer gets fixed soon. I'm sure you are enjoying your summer weather:)

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Babies are always exciting and I'm glad that all is well! Hope your computer gets fixed soon. I'm sure you are enjoying your summer weather:)

Alison Gibbs said...

Wonderful news for your friend Ange. Happy to hear all is well. What a lucky girl to have 2 of each.

Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

YAY !! Thats so wonderful. I hope both Ange and bub are doing well :)
