Tuesday 7 August 2007


I have received a NICE award. How lucky do I feel? I was tickled when I saw that Shannon
had given me this lovely award. Now I am sending it on to a couple of NICE ladies. So save this award girls and pop it on your site and pass it along....

Natasha Burns
Nikki at Chi Chi La La Designs
Chris at Just Beachy
Sarah at Shabby Roses and Pretty Things
Sue at Junk-it-Junction


Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

Hey Katrina, glad you loved your award !

I wanted to tell you that i am hosting my very first SWAP, c'mon over and take a peek!

Shann :)

Unknown said...

Thankyou Katrina, I feel 'all warm and fuzzy' to receive the 'Nice award' from you...I also received one from Coll @ Collsgarden! I must be extra nice!!!
Because Im still only new to all this blogging stuff, I am going to just say, how welcoming you all are , and you dont need awards to show how 'NICE' you are...you just are, and it is just great to be amongst all of you.