Friday, 17 August 2007

Thank you

Thank you to all of the lovely blogging gals that emailed me or left messages on my blog about my nasty skin cancer. I appreciate it! It is comforting to know that people who don't even really know me are compassionate and caring about lil ole me!!! Blogging has definitely made me think outside of my little sheltered world and has opened up some lovely friendships. So, thank you again!!

I am having a little snooze in day surgery next week so a lovely doctor can take some more of my skin and then stitch me up again. Then they will biopsy that, and hopefully it will be all gone! Lucky I don't have any modeling contracts on the go hahahaha!!!


Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

I know we chatted already, you know i'll be thinkin happy thoughts for ya!
let me know what happens ok.
Luv Shann xo

Unknown said...

Only just read your news, and hope all goes well for you...I have fair skin, and baked myself as a teenager, we never learn.Im just waiting for the inevitable!
I'll be sending positive thoughts your way!

Gina said...

We are all rooting for you. Hugs

S said...


I will be thinking of you and hope you get some good news from the biopsy. Gee, I would have to say I have been to hell with my father and the big 'C' so if you ever need to talk I am here.

Siobhan xo


Hi Katrina,
Hope all turns out well for you. We'll all think warm, happy thoughts for you.
Hugs, Coll :-}
(Shann's mum)

Natasha Burns said...

Oh Katrina! I am so sorry, I just checked back now. Thinking of you and pray that the surgery goes well for you. xo