Monday, 20 August 2007

Friends, Crawling and the Train

Hi everyone!

Today is a beautiful sunny day here in Wagga Wagga. I have been at my most bestest friends house, Ange, who started Little La La's with me a few years ago. We met in our pre-natal classes almost 6 years ago and have been glued to each other every since haha! She is having her 4th bubba in early November and trying to get her mansion of a house built beforehand! Yes, and i know you will be reading this Ange, but seriously with 6 bedrooms and 3 lounge rooms, you cannot argue that the house is not a mansion!!! But that's Ange - never one to brag or be over the top. Gotta love her for this. Anyway, we chatted on for ages as we haven't seen each other for weeks as her family have all been very sick. I feel refreshed now as I had been having withdrawals! Of course, I have always been the one that organises her life and she has always let me do it! So now I have bossed her around a bit and told her she needs to start packing - with my help of course!! Hopefully she is in the house in time and doesn't go into early labour (the Dr has told her to slow down or else!). Oh well, it just means her hubby will have to take over. As we always say to the men when they complain... "welcome to my world"!! Haha.

On Saturday, my baby FINALLY started to crawl (he is ONE in 2 weeks!). So I have been madly videoing and taking pics.

Chevy ..

After quite a few drinks with our neighbours on Saturday night here at our house, I felt like I had to get out, so yesterday we travelled to a town about half an hour away, so my husband and the boys could catch the XPT back home. This was so exciting for the kids as they had never been on a train! You wouldn't believe it, but the batteries in my camera were flat (from taking photos of the crawling), so I will have to muck around with my digital videoing and try to get some still shots out of it. Need to scrapbook this event!


Alison Gibbs said...

Love the crawling baby shots. It is sooo.. exciting once they start but then in a month or so when they are into everything we wonder why we wanted them to get mobile.
Take care.

Unknown said...

I have to agree with Alison! The same goes for talking, once they start, they dont stop!! I miss that age sooo much, lots of photos and videos, can never have enough!

S said...

You better pop all your valuables up high now!!! He is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katrina,

Loving the pics of your baby! He is super cute.
Had to giggle to my self about the camera batteries, have had it happen to me as well. LOL!

Keep well,

Peta said...

He is adorable :)

Natasha Burns said...

Oh wow Chevy is going to be one already? I remember when he was a newborn and Ange got me to do the name plaque for him! Time flies doesn't it!
Please be sure to let me know when Ange has her bubba too!
Oh and how funny, Leroy went on his first train yesterday too, I did remember the camera so will add shots in the next few days, it was so funny

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Isn't i't precious to see a little one do all his firsts!